I love cycling, but these are the things I do not like about cycling:
1. Men cyclists trying to race me when they know perfectly well I am a cyclist woman (I have long hair), and especially when they are in their twenties. I am in my 50’s. But I get pumped up and annoyed and I start pedaling my bike so fast that I pass them every single time.
2. When I am all ready and dressed up to go out for my usual bike ride and the weather decides I should stay home and starts pouring rain!
3. I am pedaling my bike, climbing up a hill, minding my own business and suddenly a cyclist approaches me and begins to give me “cycling lessons”: “you should do this, don’t do that, blah blah blah….” Seriously, some cyclists are so pedantically obnoxious. By now, I completely disregard him, start pedaling fast and leaving him behind, or tell him on his face that I have cycled and raced for 26 years and tell him off.
4. Other cyclists (male cyclists) telling me: “you look so pretty and thin today” “you are gaining some weight back…” “those legs look sexy”. Gee, can they see me as a cyclist, only, please?5. I don’t like it when I had planned to pedal some 40 to 50 kilometers, I am all pumped up at the 20 or 30 km and then I feel one of my wheels hitting the road flat, pedaling is harder and I know my front or back tire IS FLAT!!
6. I hate it when the weather is beautiful, my physical condition ready to pedal 50 to 80 km the next day. I go to bed early and when I wake up at 4:30 am the evil sneezing and the painful sore throat start. I know I have to stay home so I don’t make it worse and recover faster.
7. I hate when drivers of automobiles scream things at me like: move! get out of the road! …. even worse, when they try to hit me to make me fall (they have never been successful -I have great reflexes)
8. Don’t like it when my bike hits a pothole full of water and I get wet.
9. I hate when friends or relatives agree to meet me at certain time in the morning (usually 5 or 6 am) for a bike ride and they show up late or not at all.
10. I couldn’t think about anything else “I hate about cycling”. There are dozens of things I love about cycling! 
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