Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Do you ever get tired of People’s Opinions in Social Media?

I do. That is why I love blogging. Developing a blog is so much more interesting and fun than social media. I have found out that people who do not blog or keep a journal, participate in interesting forums or write articles, become really poor in their process of thinking and their writing capabilities are an atrocity.

Blogging requires thinking, knowledge of coding, meta-tagging, and so much more. Some gray matter at work? Have you noticed the level of writing in Facebook? They do not know how to express themselves, they do not know how to write properly. I can’t be close (not even digitally) with people who lack the basic internet etiquette. It is disturbing and my brain cells are too precious for me to waste them in Facebook.

Have you ever talked to a person who only subscribes to social media and asked him or her about blogging? I have, and they are fools, sorry, but it is the truth. They know nothing about inserting coding html, meta-tags, which is so simple to do.
I use social media as what it is: a tool, not as my basic platform to spread word of business nor to chat. I only chat with my connections and friends here, in my blog and LinkedIn. I prefer to keep my frontal cortex far away from those social media outlets and just use them as an instant connection thru my main blogging source.

Quality over quantity will bring you happiness and success.

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

El abuso sexual infantil es un delito y encubrirlo es un crimen DENUNCIA!


Child sexual abuse must stop. Don't stay quiet. Denounce and expose pedophiles and their supporters!


El abuso sexual infantil deba acabar. No te calles. ¡Denuncia!







Have you been a victim of a disgusting pedophile? Expose him! It doesn't matter how long it has been since the attack or attacks, incident, violent or not. And it doesn't matter who the sexual abuser was. Expose the crime committed against you. NEVER NEVER STAY QUIET! Don't allow anybody to keep you quiet: a horrendous and heinous crime was perpetrated against you in your childhood and YOU HAVE all the right to expose your attacker and his supporters and accomplice or accomplices.


Has sido víctima? Denúncialo! No importa el tiempo que haya pasado, no importa quién haya sido el abusador sexual, denuncia el crimen cometido contra tí. Nunca calles, que nadie tape tu boca, no te dejes silenciar por nada ni nadie: un horrendo crimen fué cometido contra tí en tu niñez y tienes todo el derecho de exponer a tu/s atacante/s y a sus encubridores y cómplices.

Sunday, July 15, 2018

Things I Hate about Cycling

I love cycling, but these are the things I do not like about cycling:

1. Men cyclists trying to race me when they know perfectly well  I am a cyclist woman  (I have long hair), and especially when they are in their twenties. I am in my 50’s. But I get pumped up and annoyed and I start pedaling my bike so fast that I pass them every single time. 

2. When I am all ready and dressed up to go out for my usual bike ride and the weather decides I should stay home and starts pouring rain!

3. I am pedaling my bike, climbing up a hill, minding my own business and suddenly a cyclist approaches me and begins to give me “cycling lessons”: “you should do this, don’t do that, blah blah blah….” Seriously, some cyclists are so pedantically obnoxious. By now, I completely disregard him, start pedaling fast and leaving him behind, or tell him on his face that I have cycled and raced for 26 years and tell him off.

4. Other cyclists (male cyclists) telling me: “you look so pretty and thin today” “you are gaining some weight back…” “those legs look sexy”. Gee, can they see me as a cyclist, only, please?5. I don’t like it when I had planned to pedal some 40 to 50 kilometers, I am all pumped up at the 20 or 30 km and then I feel one of my wheels hitting the road flat, pedaling is harder and I know my front or back tire IS FLAT!!

6. I hate it when the weather is beautiful, my physical condition ready to pedal 50 to 80 km the next day. I go to bed early and when I wake up at 4:30 am the evil sneezing and the painful sore throat start. I know I have to stay home so I don’t make it worse and recover faster.

7. I hate when drivers of automobiles scream things at me like: move! get out of the road! …. even worse, when they try to hit me to make me fall (they have never been successful -I have great reflexes)

8. Don’t like it when my bike hits a pothole full of water and I get wet.

9. I hate when friends or relatives agree to meet me at certain time in the morning (usually 5 or 6 am) for a bike ride and they show up late or not at all.

10. I couldn’t think about anything else “I hate about cycling”. There are dozens of things I love about cycling! 🤩

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Thursday, March 1, 2018

Have a Wonderful Thursday

Happy Thursday to all, I wish that all of you are having a wonderful, happy, most successful day.

Monday, January 1, 2018

My Healthy Backyard Chickens

STAFF NEWS & ANALYSIS Latest Fear Mongering About Self Sufficiency: Salmonella in Backyard Chickens By Joe Jarvis – October 20, 2017 Two years ago I moved to Florida from Massachusetts. When people found out I was moving, they would often immediately remark, “Get ready for the brutal heat and humidity!” It was their first instinct […]
Latest Fear Mongering About Self Sufficiency: Salmonella in Backyard Chickens — Phi Quyền Chính - Anarchism

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Ectopic Pregnancy (Embarzo Ectópico) PART I

Understanding ectopic pregnancy:

1.  An ectopic pregnancy is one that develops outside the uterus.

2. The most common place for it is the fallopian tubes, so it’s also called a tubal pregnancy. These narrow tubes connect the uterus and ovaries. In a normal pregnancy, the fertilized egg travels through fallopian tubes to the uterus.

3. Fallopian tubes aren’t big enough for a growing embryo and the pregnancy cannot continue normally. If the pregnancy continues, the tube will stretch and burst.

4. This situation is an emergency. It’s life-threatening for the mother.

5. Less often, an ectopic pregnancy develops in an ovary, the cervix, or the abdomen (belly).

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Adorable Cat Coffe Cup

I love coffee cups, different shapes, with various designs, paintings, writings, thougts, images, quotes, photos. Some are really especial, others are rare and more dificult to find, but when I get one in my hands and pour down that unique flavoured tea or coffee and find a comfortable place to sit down and enjoy it, my soul and mind together imprint a memory in my brain that stays all day with me, giving me pleasure and peace.

Dra. Martha Andrea Castro Noriega, MD Coffee Cup

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Saturday, May 13, 2017

Beautiful Rare Flower Sexy Woman Lips

Flower Lips, a very rare flower with luscious red lips, known scientifically asPsychotria elata. These flower grows in trees or shrubs which are very low-growing and can be found in tropical places like Costa Rica, Panama and Colombia, particularly in areas that tend to get a lot of rainfall.

INTERESTING FACT: These red lips are commonly called flowers, but they are actually leaf-like bracts.

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Imagine Dragons Evolve World Tour

😍 I have been waiting on this for a while now ! I ❤️ Imagine Dragons ! 💥🐲  I love you guys, I really do ! This World Tour     the best one I´m enjoying in the last three years.

Sunday, May 7, 2017

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La patita, va al mercado...y la música sigue...¿Qué me trajiste, Mamá Cuac Cuac? CRI-CRÍ

Lamborghini Miura Supercar

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Thursday, May 4, 2017

SAGE FEMME Catherine Deneuve Film

Deux vraies actrices françaises, ce film est géniale, je pense que ce film va être nommé.
J'adore Deneuve.
"People who know me know I'm strong, but I'm vulnerable"---Catherine Deneuve

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Juliette Binoche Quotes

One of the most beautiful women in the world, ever, and I mean, ever, is the one and only Juliette Binoche. She is a preeminent, a transcendent actress I may add, who has superb qualities. She is a polyglot who knows the world and lives in it with intensity and dignity. Oh, and she loves quotes, like I do.
"What I love the most about this crazy life is the adventure of it"---Juliette Binoche
Juliette Binoche