Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Ectopic Pregnancy (Embarzo Ectópico) PART I

Understanding ectopic pregnancy:

1.  An ectopic pregnancy is one that develops outside the uterus.

2. The most common place for it is the fallopian tubes, so it’s also called a tubal pregnancy. These narrow tubes connect the uterus and ovaries. In a normal pregnancy, the fertilized egg travels through fallopian tubes to the uterus.

3. Fallopian tubes aren’t big enough for a growing embryo and the pregnancy cannot continue normally. If the pregnancy continues, the tube will stretch and burst.

4. This situation is an emergency. It’s life-threatening for the mother.

5. Less often, an ectopic pregnancy develops in an ovary, the cervix, or the abdomen (belly).

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Adorable Cat Coffe Cup

I love coffee cups, different shapes, with various designs, paintings, writings, thougts, images, quotes, photos. Some are really especial, others are rare and more dificult to find, but when I get one in my hands and pour down that unique flavoured tea or coffee and find a comfortable place to sit down and enjoy it, my soul and mind together imprint a memory in my brain that stays all day with me, giving me pleasure and peace.

Dra. Martha Andrea Castro Noriega, MD Coffee Cup

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INTERESTING FACT: These red lips are commonly called flowers, but they are actually leaf-like bracts.

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

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Sunday, May 7, 2017

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Thursday, May 4, 2017

SAGE FEMME Catherine Deneuve Film

Deux vraies actrices françaises, ce film est géniale, je pense que ce film va être nommé.
J'adore Deneuve.
"People who know me know I'm strong, but I'm vulnerable"---Catherine Deneuve

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Juliette Binoche Quotes

One of the most beautiful women in the world, ever, and I mean, ever, is the one and only Juliette Binoche. She is a preeminent, a transcendent actress I may add, who has superb qualities. She is a polyglot who knows the world and lives in it with intensity and dignity. Oh, and she loves quotes, like I do.
"What I love the most about this crazy life is the adventure of it"---Juliette Binoche
Juliette Binoche

Dra Martha Andrea Castro Noriega Tijuana Mexico

EMAIL for appointments only:  drmarthacastro@gmail.com    dramarthacastro@yahoo.com

I live in the Universe of Science, the World of Freedom and the Home of Life

Monday, May 1, 2017

Superar el Infierno

Cuando el dolor es como el infierno, el daño al espíritu y a la mente es ingente y detiene la evolución del ser. Es por eso que es de mayor importancia combatir y vencer el perjuicio, el menoscabo y deterioro, aunque en el camino se nos queme la piel, que al llegar a la meta, las heridas habrán sanado y es entonces, cuando la grandeza, la vastedadd y magneficiencia nos hará por siempre campeones, y nada ni nadie, ni el demonio más bravo, traicionero, ingrato y malévolo prodrá vencernos.
Escrito: Dra. Martha Andrea Castro Noriega, MD